Saturday, January 24, 2009

Weigh-in Results and reflection

only up 1lb... 224.4

and I am OK with this as I had expected it after last weeks 5lb loss! I know in my heart and mind that I was right on track this past week and that the scale number is NOTHING compared to all I have accomplished in eating, exercising and mental health!

This weekends goal is to get in 1 session of pilates or yoga and really try to get in to the gym to test out a Body Pump class.

I also need to cook for the week.. thinking of making a hearty vegetable-bean stew for lunches for next week.

I am changing my M-F evening schedule again. I'm going to check out a Body Pump class this weekend to see if I like it... if I do, then I will do Body Pump and Cardio on T/TH/S .. leaving M/W/F for practicing singing...and Sunday for an actual full day of rest. I asked my boss If I could leave at 5 M/W/F but will ask if I can do T/TH instead.. I think he will like that more anyways. No one comes in/calls between 5 and 5:30.. and I work through my hour lunch break..

Life is good... had a few dark days this week but I have moved passed them and am letting what happens happen. I will not stress on things I cannot change. My suv is going to the Hyundai shop monday morning before work to be looked at. If it's something that needs to be fixed (obviously!) and it's not a rediculous amount of $.. then I will find a way to make it happen. If it's a major repair, and costly.. I may have to find another way around things.. but I will cross that bridge when I get there!

I hope you all have a great day today!

Sparkpeople translation:

Personal improvement, whether it’s weight loss or skill building, is about creating or losing a habit. Still, somewhere along the way, it’s become an event. People diet until they lose 20 pounds – and then stop the smart eating and exercise that got them there. Once they reach their goal, they go back to the way they lived before and wonder why the weight comes back. For permanent change, habits need to stick around for the long run. In what way would you like to be excellent? What do people who are excellent in this way do on a regular basis? Can you do just one of those small things today? Of course one act does not build a foundation, but it does get you started. With repetition and time, that one action will seem more normal. Once it becomes a habit, it becomes part of who you are, and the transformation is complete.


Anonymous said...

Great plans for the week!

Shrink to Fit said...

Love the quote on what we "repeatedly do." This weight-loss thing is all about making our changes become our new habits.

You've got it together, girlie! Keep up the great attitude.

Have a great weekend!