Monday, January 25, 2010

back that carrot truck up...

yeah.. so much for thinking I was going in the right direction....

back to 253.6

Now... I only have myself to blame...

I did not care at all about what I ate and only got in a few walks.

I know I can do better.

I tracked my food tonight ... even the reeses pb cups (all 4)... and was shocked back into remembering why it's so important to track your food.

So.. Goals for the week!

1. Log your food every day no matter what.
2. Drink your water... no less than 6 cups...
3. get to the gym at least 3 times.
4. be more aware of portion sizes


1 comment:

Michelle said...

Good Luck! Tough it out and be strong! Btw, I found your blog on the Healthy You Challenge. You can add mine if you'd like