Wen't for a hike which turned into a mountain climb on Saturday! I was very proud of myself. I kept pushing myself to keep going once we got to the climbing part. It was a very strenuous hike.. but I managed to jog down parts of the hill on the way back.. it felt good to run and be active. My hips, quads, calves and ass hurt today.. but it's worth it. I never would have gone on a hike like this on my own... but I had my girls with me and we all kicked ass on this hike!
My eating/drinking was a ton more controlled than last weekend. I still ate poor.. but we all decided that after our hike (which, btw, probably burned 1800 calories.. it was a 3 hour climb!) we could probably afford to eat what we wanted Saturday night.. SO I opted for the chicken parm sub (chicken parm is my weakness, fo sho). I only had one drink that night... a way too strong (and crappy gin) gin and tonic...
I think I am retaining water.. and I know I did NOT drink enough this weekend to make up for the hike.. and my muscles are feeling it still.. stepped on the scale this morning and it was 228... a full 6lbs over what i was last monday.
I'm not going to stress on that because really, It probably is dehydration/muscle/water retention related.. and I climbed a mountain.. so I really can't be bothered by the scale when I had other ways to measure my progress... Like.. How I wasn't as tired/winded by the hike as I used to be.. so.. I'm not worrying. I'll just get a lot of water in today.. and get groceries tonight to keep myself on track this week.
Gorgeous day today.. supposed to be 90. 90?!!! In APRIL?! I'll take it.. but man my allergies are intense today.. tree's are starting to bloom!