Thursday, November 20, 2008

$$ post

Sorry.. it's a non- weight related post...

I just got my first full 2 week paycheck.. It came in lower than I had figured.. and I was appaled at how much tax was taken out.. $180 worth! I'm seriously going to have to reduce spending a little more.. and I don't think I'm going to be able to afford the gym which really really makes me sad.. I'm going to have to start working out at home with videos... yuck.

I'm also going to have to bite the bullet and do a consolidation program. I've been avoiding it because once you do that.. all your credit/store cards are useless... which.. makes sense.. racking up those cards got me in this mess.. so might as well cancle... but It makes me nervous not to have them. I honestly do not use them unless in an emergency.. so.. I need to take care of that. I;ve already been in touch with a company.. and it could potentially save me $100/mo. , maybe then i could join the gym...

I seriously do not enjoy living paycheck to paycheck.. I also need to space out my bills differently... my car and rent are at the end of the month.. and thats a big chunk of change.. $725.. ugh.. need to re do the pay dates...

I don't like talking about money.. and I need to be positive about it.. I at least have a job that pays all my bills.. it just leaves me a little low for gas/food $.. but I will make it work.

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