Tuesday, December 23, 2008

lactose intolerant?

I am having a serious stomache issue... One of my co-workers made homeade irish cream (like baileys..).. and since I don't drink milk anymore (only soy milk).. I think I'm having a reaction to it.. so.. said Irish Cream will be poured down the drain.. don't need it.. and if it's going to make me feel this yuck.. then no thanks...

In other news..

I have joined a 6 week challenge hosted by *FiTCETERA*
I didn't notice a start date (if I'm wrong, let me know!).. so while I will be eating as best I can the next two weeks.. my official 6 week challenge will not start until Jan. 2nd.. after all the partys I have lined up. I will committ to going to the gym every day between 12/26 until 12/31 to make up for it all.

I bought 'The Eat-Clean Diet' book today and am 1/4 of the way through it. It's all things I've heard before for the most part but for somereason I just wasn't listening. For my 6 week challenge I am going to use this way of eating.. (which is really just sound nutritional advice..no sugars/whites... water...more veg/fruit, less carbs...).. The one component I am not doing is eating 5-6 small meals each day. I was never one for skipping breakfast..and I love oatmeal/fruit in the morning.. so that's not an issue... I will however have to find a good protein powder because I do not do eggs... Overall.. I this the eat-clean way (I wish they didn't use the word diet...) is a sensible look at how to live your life.. and I'm willing to give it a go!

1/2 day of work tomorrow.. then thursday and friday off. My sister was not able to come out for xmas because of $. Even if she had got a ticket.. she would still be stuck.. or at least delayed.. She's out in Portland Oregon.. they have at least a foot of snow.. and according to her "only 2 snow plows!'. The airport is a mess...and there are tons of delays. It's always sad when storms interfere with holiday travel... Family is so important at this time of year. It's been 5 years since our Mom and Dad passed away.. and this is the first year in our 28 years of life that we've had to spend it apart. We are both sad but will spend time on the phone and online christmas day.. we even have a scrabble (online) christmas day championship planned... I also have plans to spend some time with come co-workers who are here alone this christmas..so I will not be alone : ) (plus I have all my new blogger friends to check in on!)

Off to read more..


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you joined us!!! I really think you will love this way of life :) The 5-6 meals a day really really works! Get those points in with healthy, low point, whole foods and the weight will fly off!

Sorry your sis can't make it out! They sure are getting hammered out there in Oregon. Richmond has like 2 plows too - that much snow would kill us. We are here to keep you company!

Anonymous said...

cant wait to hear what you think of the book when youre finished!

Brightcetera said...

Hi Mel!
Merry Christmas to you!
Kickass at Scrabble, eh?

I'm sorry to hear your sister can't make it and VERY sorry to hear that you're without either of your parents :( {{HUGS}}

You can start the challenge anytime. I started when I did because it was the beginning of 6 weeks off of work and I'd like to be thinner when I go back. You know, so I can hear everyone say "Wow! YOu've lost weight!" :)

Brightcetera said...

Hi Mel,
re: almond milk as carb: no, I just use it as a replacement for milk. I use Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla which has 2g of carb per 1 cup and 0 sugars. I drank the protein shake before I went on the treadmill.
1 cup has only 40 calories, btw which I think is a bargain BUT it has 3 gms of fat. I eat so little fat in my diet that I'm not worried about this though.
Hope this helps. If I were to eat a carb with my protein shake it would probably be a fruit.