Friday, March 27, 2009

Well.. I did it

I finally went to a body pump class!

I feel like I got hit by a truck.. I kept the weights low.. and focuse on form more than anything. I did'nt even attempt to use any weights or the bar for squats.. my body weight was enough and I thought my legs were going to shatter into a million pieces... they also would not stop shaking/vibrating... the Leg set was BRUTAL.

I like how it's all choreographed.. I like repetition..and I also like that each muscle group is broken into 5 minute sets.. I even made myself do the push ups, planks, and side planks

I left exhausted, but VERY proud of myself. I was definitley the fattest girl there and I had to fight with my mind to shut up when I would do a lift with the bar and it would hit my stomache... I'm not going to be like that forever.

For more information... go here


Losinthisdangfat said...

That's awesome! Good job!

Joania said...

Good for you...I'm starting my first SPIN CORE class on Monday and a bit nervous!!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

You go, girl. You'll be buff in no time! ;-)
Path to Health

Dina said...

Way to go!

Mom Getting Fit said...

The class sounds like a lot of fun! I do a couple different classes at my gym and I like them as they are a break from the normal cardio.

Anyhow, I am new to your blog. I was reading your about me and saw you too did WW, lost weight, only to gain it back! I was the same way. I am now trying to eat clean as well and make it a lifestyle change. As much as I was "happy" I lost weight on WW, it wasn't a lifestyle change and thus the reason I started gaining it back. I am confident that won't happen this time!

Anyhow, just wanted to say Hello to a fellow blogger! :)

Keep up the great work!!


Kelly the Happy Texan said...

That's awesome! I've been afraid to try any classes. I'm worried about being stared at like "what's a fat girl doing in this class."
Maybe I'll try it now.

Good for you!