Wednesday, January 7, 2009

draggin' at the gym

My body was not having it today.. only put in 30minues of walking...about 150calories.. I think it was combo of doing a crazy workout monday..nothing on tuesday..and then I tried this aerobic incline setting on the treadmill and i was up to a 4.0 incline within the first 10 Legs were not happy about that! Anyways.. I'm not upset about it!

Otherwise.. food was good today but my water intake is so lacking.. I keep a big watter bottle at work on my desk and try to drink the whole thing over the course of the day.. not quite making it the past few days..I have another big glass of water infront of me that I'm working on.

Not much else to report on.. still kept my calorie balance around 50c/30p/20f

My goal this week is to stop peeking at the scale every morning and just wait til Sat. Am's WI...and drink my water.. ha


Tamzin said...


I'm always tempted to do the same


Brightcetera said...

I can't keep off the damn scale myself. It taunts me :)

Thank you for all your kind words and support, Mel! Thanks for being there!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear things are overall going well!

Rebecca said...

I know I feel like the scale calls..."I know how you are doing...I can give you all the answers you need" Damn that scale, it has so much power!

Anonymous said...

may be draggin but you WENT. that's 90 percent of lifes battles IMO!
